No matter how energy efficient the rating of the new air conditioning unit may be, consumers should be aware that they need to correctly install, choose and maintain the unit to obtain those efficient results. Air conditioning units that are installed incorrectly or below advised standards or those that are just too little or much to big for the size of the room space they are made to cool will decrease the energy efficiency as well as produce energy overuse.
Even the most energy efficient air conditioning unit should be used and run properly to make sure that it stays that way. A few of the most typical errors that people make when using, setting up or maintaining an air conditioning unit that leads to inefficiency include:.
Leaving doors and windows open while the device is running. This forces the air conditioning unit to continue to run without having the ability to cycle on and off. Even when the open window or door is on the other side side of the house or structure, it will still reduce the air temperature level and cause the air conditioning unit to stay in the cooling part of the cycle.
Incorrect insulation within the house. Like leaving windows and doors open, poor quality or absence of insulation in the house enables the warm air outdoors to warm up the cool air indoors, or more correctly, keeps the outside walls of the house warm, thereby transferring the heat to the inside walls and the inside air. Proper insulation around outside doors and windows additionally helps decrease cool air loss and prevents the unit from cycling on and off.
Inaccurate size of an air conditioning unit for the room or area; Smaller units are often less expensive, so homeowners or building supervisors may attempt to use smaller sized units regardless of the big floor space. This is extremely energy inefficient as the unit is continuously on and working to produce enough cool air to attempt to bring the room temperature level to the set level. Purchasing a larger, somewhat more pricey unit that is made for the floor space is a lot more energy efficient and significantly expense saving over the long term.
Setting the temperature level too low; Keep the thermostat set at 70 or above, cooler temperature levels force the unit to work much harder and will result in a substantial energy drain Click this . Review customer reports and find out about the various kinds of energy efficient air conditioning units before making your decision.